ThemeProposing new forms of life and living with media
In this public competition we call for proposals exploring possible future ways of life and lifestyles that, with such concepts as “shared”, “nomadic” or “mobile”, keep changing in recent years. The 2011 earthquake generated a striking diversity in terms of information acquisition and editing skills, and at the same time, inspired us to question ways of forging direct relationships with society and local communities as bases for living. How can media and information communication work organically in the local communities of tomorrow? Take this opportunity to realize in the Yamaguchi community ideas to work as continuous platforms for seeking in the concepts of media and information possible answers to fundamental investigations into life and lifestyle that have recently come under review.
Not limited to media technology alone, “media” here refers to the act of creating bustle and communication, by way of mechanisms transforming cityscapes, parks that inspire people to gather; mobile services that give way to new communication, etc. Accepted in this competition are entries in all kinds of formats transcending the genres of art and design, including sculpture, video, architecture, installation, project or workshop.
- The competition does not assume a specific exhibition space. The plan will be materialized through local research and negotiation.
- In addition to the competition, this project will also introduce artworks created by guest artists.
Judges (Honorifics omitted)
Ryuichi Sakamoto (musician), Jun Aoki (architect), Koichiro Eto (media artist),
Kosuke Tsumura (FINAL HOME Director), Ryo Yamazaki (community designer),
Yoshihiro Kanematsu ( Editor in Chief)

Musician. Born 1952, currently lives in New York, USA. Released his first album “Thousand Knives” in 1978, and joined the band YMO in the same year. After the breakup of YMO, he composed numerous movie soundtracks and other Academy Award-winning works that established him as an internationally renowned artist who keeps pursuing an innovative sound. Since the opera “LIFE”, unveiled in 1999, his works have been dealing with topics related to environmental, peace and social issues, including “Hisen (Non-war)”, an anti-war anthology put together in reaction to 9/11. Launched “more trees” in 2007, and took part in forestation projects and educational activities on the prevention of global warming. In 2009, he received an “Echo Award” at the Echo Festival launched under the patronage of the United Nations Environment Programme, and was awarded the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres from the French Ministry of Culture. Received the Artist’s Award from the Agency of Cultural Affairs in 2010, and is continuously active in projects to support recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, such as “LIFE311 by more trees”, “Kodomo no ongaku saisei kikin (School Music Revival)” and “” among others.

Graduated from Tokyo University, Jun Aoki worked at Arata Isozaki & Associates before establishing his own Tokyo-based practice in 1991 to do ‘anything that seemed interesting’. Subsequent works have included diverse directions such as a series of houses, public architecture, and fashion boutiques as a current series of Louis Vuitton stores. A swimming pool at Yusuikan (1993) that investigates some of the themes of the more recent project, Fukushima Lagoon Museum (1997) which won the Architectural Institute of Japan Annual Award, and the Aomori Museum of Art, the Grand Award of the international competition, is completed in July 2006. Two monographs Jun Aoki Complete Works 1: 1991-2004 (2004), and Jun Aoki complete Works 2: Aomori Museum of Art (2006 / INAX shuppan) were already published. His major texts are collected in Harappa to Yuuenchi (vacant lot and amusement ground). He got an award of the Minister of Education’s Art Encouragement Prize in 2005.

Media artist/researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST.) Completed a master’s course at Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance in 1997 and completed the doctoral course at the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology. Ph.D (Information Science and Technology) in 2010. Alongside ongoing research at AIST on “building and operating services joined by users”, he is also the founder and chairman of “Nico Nico Gakkai β.” Author of main titles including “Pattern, Wiki, XP” (Gijutsu-Hyoron Co., Ltd.) and “Research on Nico Nico Gakkaiβ” (Kawade Shobo Shinsha.)

Born 1959. Participated mainly in the Paris collections under Issey Miyake. Director of “FINAL HOME” survival wear with its concept, “clothing is the ultimate shelter.” Professor of Musashino Art University, Department of Scenography, Display and Fashion Design. Winner of the 52nd SO-EN Award in 1982, Semi-Grand Prix of the “21st Contemporary Art Exhibition of Japan” in 1992, Best New Artist of the 12th Mainichi Fashion Grand Prix and Shiseido Prize for Encouragement in 1994, Oribe Award in 2001. He has taken part in many art exhibitions including “Venice Biennale of Architecture” in 2000, “Shanghai Biennale” in 2002, “SAFE DESIGN TAKES ON RISK” (New York Museum of Modern Art) in 2005, “Documenta 13” (Kassel) in 2012.

Representative of studo-L. Professor of Kyoto University of Art and Design. Born in Aichi, 1973. Involved in community design which proposes ways in which residents can solve issues in their community. Holds workshops with residents of community to produce a comprehensive plan for the future of the community. He is also involved in devising architecture and landscape design as well as mechanisms for programs that enable people to make use of public spaces such as parks and station fronts. His goal is to create a team whose members can team up and interact actively with their community constantly through such projects.

Academic and contents director born in Akita 1979. Editor in chief of After working at a CSR consulting company as art director, Kanematsu became a freelance creative director in 2006 and participated in the launch of online magazine, “”. Editor in Chief of since December 2010. Chairman of NPO Author of titles including, “Social Design: Good Ideas that Shape Society” (, “Creative Community Design: Join, Create, Involve” (co-author.)
- Open to all ages and nationalities (Groups and multiple applications accepted).
- Applicants who understand the activities of YCAM and its 10th Anniversary Program.
- Unannounced and original plans that can be executed safely and feasibly within the exhibition term.
- Plans that can be exhibited during the 10th Anniversary Program (July 6 (Sat.) - September 1 (Sun.) / November 1 (Fri.) - December 1 (Sun.), 2013)
Please visit our website for details on activities at YCAM.
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Prize (given only to winning ideas)
1,000,000 yen (Including all costs related to production and exhibition, travel cost and housing cost provided separately)
In addition to selected plans, exceptional plans may be exhibited or printed in the catalogue.
How to Apply
Please submit the following documents for the document screening.
Entry sheet
Presentation sheet
Place items #1 to #3 below in no more than 2 pages of A2 size (420 x 594 mm) paper set sideways. Paper shall be strictly adhered to. Names must be written on the back of the paper.
1. Purpose of the plan
2. Details of the plan
3. The effects that the plan will have on the surrounding environment and lifestyles.- In case of adding a movie material, send 1 DVD, edited and recorded within 5 minutes.
- Please consult us if you wish to send samples (e.g. models.)
Detailed statement of expenses
Document introducing past works
In no more than 10 sheets of A4 size paper. Movies shall be edited to within 5 minutes recorded on no more than 1 DVD.
- Note that application documents will not be returned.
- Please contact us if a preliminary inspection is necessary to proceed with preparations (Travel expense for preliminary inspection will be the responsibility of the applicant.)
Application Term
March 1 (Mon.) to March 15 (Fri.), 2013 (postmarked deadline)
Results Announcement
Late April 2013
Exhibition Term
During the 10th Anniversary Program:
July 6
September 1
November 1
December 1
Send Applications to
Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media Competition Office
7-7 Nakazono-cho, Yamaguchi-shi, Yamaguchi 753-0075 JAPAN
Inquiries regarding the Competition
Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM) “LIFE by MEDIA” Competition Office
Inquiries accepted only by email.