"30 x 30" tours starting in England (Newcastle), France (Nancy), Canada (Ottawa and Montreal), and Japan (Yamaguchi), as a site-specific dance project performed for 30 minutes at a time, all 30 days successively, in each city. This 150-day touring project came to Yamaguchi after a 90-day journey.

Fortier, nearly sixty years old, inquires into the meaning of dance again, in search of better communication opportunities with time and cities, standing face to face with his aging body.

Yamaguchi is the only place that "30 x 30" is performed in Japan, and video artist Atsushi Tanabe living in Yamaguchi City records the piece. New dance piece "1 x 60" scheduled to tour worldwide as a video work is performed in Yamaguchi, and it will be screened in different cities.

Paul-Andre Fortier decided to perform outdoor to perceive with his own body subtle changes in choreography that are the result of his performing under different climate conditions.