◆Cost (All reserved seats)

Seat A ¥2,500 (general)
member of ANY/special discount ¥2,000

Set-ticket with “Andersen・Project” on July 29 (Sat.) and 30 (Sun.)
¥5,000 (general), ¥4,000 (member of ANY)

Note: Set-tickets are available at YCAM only.  

Seat B ¥1,000 (student), Student ID is required.

◆Ticket information, Yamaguchi City Foundation for Cultural Promotion
Tel: 083-920-6111
Business hours: 10:00~19:00
Closed on Tuesday or the following day in the event that a national holiday falls on Tuesday.

◆Lawson Ticket
Tel: 0570-084-006, L cord 61319

◆Reservation for members of ANY
starts on June 10 (Sat.).
Tickets are available at booking agencies from June 17 (Sat.) on.