(1) Set up the Arduino IDE

  1. Install
  2.  Install the Arduino IDE and USB driver.
     Download: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

  3. Unzip the downloaded file and copy it to /Application the Arduino.app.
  4. Connect the Arduino to PC with usb cable.
  5.  the green LED turns on.

  6. Start up the Arduino.app.
  7. Select the type of board.
  8.  From the menu bar of Arduino.app. Tools -> Board -> Arduino Uno

  9. Select the type of port.
  10.  From the menu bar of Arduino.app. Tools -> Serial Port -> /dev/tty.usbmodem****
     Basic configuration is complete.

(2)Write the program on the Arduino UNO.

  1. Download the dedicated program from here
  2. Compile
  3.  You will see ‘Done compiling’ , if it is successfully compiled.

  4. Upload
  5.  Write the program on the Arduino UNO.
     You will see ‘Done uploading’, if it is successfully uploaded.
     Write is complete.

NOTE: Please go to the section of ‘6. Set up the electrode cable on the tree’ if you don’t install to the outside.

Creative Commons License

This Document by YCAM InterLab is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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